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Party Hat

The Airing of Grievances

posted Wednesday December 6th, 2017

Sophie’s lawyer asked me to write down some concerns in anticipation of her annual IEP meeting next week. (IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan — the living legal document that guides/dictates the educational life of a kid with a disability.) I smirked. Perfect timing for an airing of grievances. I started this blog to catalog […]

Party Hat

Of IEP Meetings, Playground Safety and Golf Tournaments

posted Friday September 12th, 2008

Late last night, I met a friend to see the movie “Man On Wire”, about a French guy who walked a tight rope between the Twin Towers, shortly after they were built in the 1970s. It was an odd way to honor 9/11, maybe, but somehow fitting — and I was glad for the break from […]

Party Hat

Micro-Chips for Wayward Kids with Down syndrome?

posted Thursday August 28th, 2008

At lunch yesterday, Ray and I mused about whether we should put a micro-chip in Sophie, the way people do with pets. He claims this really goes on in Russia, where kidnapping rates were so high. I brought up again. It was all idle chatter, til the phone rang a couple hours later. I […]

Party Hat

At the meeting yesterday with Sophie’s kindergarten teacher and the special ed teacher, we talked about strategies for getting Sophie to behave. We didn’t talk about strategies for getting other kids’ parents to behave. And I’m the first to admit my reaction here is likely super-premature and overly sensitive in an It’s All About Me way, […]

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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