posted Friday August 21st, 2015
In the end, I did not bring food to the first team meeting of the school year. Or a lawyer. Instead, I brought Sophie. It was not a tough meeting; I hadn’t expected it would be, or I likely would not have brought her. Sophie’s formal IEP meeting takes place each spring, and because so […]
posted Wednesday September 17th, 2008
When I pulled up in front of the school yesterday morning, I noticed the “word of the week,” posted on the school sign, is INITIATIVE. I had no clue how to apply that. And by the end of the meeting with the principal, my cluelessness was evident. Also my bitchiness. “Were you raised in New […]
posted Friday July 18th, 2008
I watched it. Turned out, it was a very old tape (much heavier than current VHS tapes, which I guess are lighter because they’re getting ready to go POOF altogether, followed by DVDs, leaving me screwed) with Alfred Hitchcock’s “Notorious” taped after the 1992 documentary “Educating Peter,” which a friend had given me — she […]