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A Number of Things We Love About Gaga

posted Tuesday June 14th, 2011

I’ve told you about it before — the family tradition my sister began when I turned 40. I keep my framed list of “40 Things We Love About Aunt Amy” by my desk at work, and look at it every day. My mother is celebrating a birthday today — as part of her gift, I will not give you the number, I’ll just say it’s a happy occasion and leave it at that. We had a big slumber party over the weekend (complete with I Heart Gaga shirts) and presented this list we compiled for her — all the grandkids contributed, as did my sister and our husbands.

It only begins to do her justice. Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you!

A Number of Things We Love About Gaga

Gaga’s funny.
Aunt Jenny loves Gaga a lot.
So does Aunt Amy.
Gaga is Mommy’s mom.
Gaga likes to draw.
Gaga always has a craft in her laundry room.
Gaga makes the right shakes.
Gaga is married to Papa
Gaga appreciates a handful of candy corn.
Gaga once danced on television in New York City.
Gaga waves her fingers around when she drives.
Gaga is the best mom, ever.
Gaga hums when she eats.
Gaga lets me keep the paintbrushes.
Gaga dances.
Gaga makes computer animation.
Gaga always needs a social worker.
Gaga can write a great limerick.
Gaga always makes low fat bacon and low cholesterol Egg Beaters.
Gaga has a country club.
Gaga farts when she laughs.
Gaga laughs when she farts.
Gaga knows how to grow penicillin in her fridge.
Gaga takes us to the beach.
Gaga lets me sleep on the couch.
Gaga makes me feel special.
Gaga doesn’t mind if we keep her toys upstairs.
Gaga doesn’t mind if we take her toys home with us.
Gaga has a roof to explore.
Gaga lives at the Camelback Mountain trailhead.
Gaga is very glamorous.
Gaga teaches my friends the alphabet dance.
Gaga is a picky eater.
Gaga is a good audience.
Gaga has a cabinet full of vitamins and supplements.
Gaga makes a good turkey (even after it drops on the floor).
Gaga is nice to everyone.
Gaga knows why the plumber’s niece got divorced.
Gaga threw a shower for a check out clerk at the grocery store.
Gaga once volunteered for Common Cause.
Gaga is a ballerina.
Gaga won’t go near the pool unless the water is 90 degrees.
Gaga tells stories.
Gaga eats at Wally’s.
Gaga is groovy.
Gaga has excellent taste in literature.
Gaga makes good pancakes.
Gaga has a big house.
Gaga is a very good Scrabble player.
Gaga loves to sing.
Gaga loves all her grandchildren the same.
Gaga likes music.
Gaga had a bird land on her head at the beach.
Gaga was on TV when she was a little girl.
Gaga says Santa Claus doesn’t discriminate.
Gaga loves moo shu chicken.
Gaga only needs one glass of wine.
Gaga has been known to drink a Diet Coke in the morning.
Gaga loves the color blue.
Gaga has shown up to a party in a tutu.
Gaga dressed up like Lady Gaga.
Gaga dressed up like Mickey Mouse.
Gaga likes to get a French mani/pedi.
Gaga calls Uncle Ray “Rocky”.
Gaga once peeked in a mobster’s trash.
Gaga can needlepoint.
Gaga makes the best brisket.
Gaga is a very lucky driver.
Gaga makes the best daughters.

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Tags: Filed under: family by Amysilverman

8 Responses to “A Number of Things We Love About Gaga”

  1. This is the best present for Gaga!!!!

  2. Gaga is the best model for a new gramma ever!!!! Thank you, Susie!

  3. Happy Birthday Gaga! You are an inspiration.

  4. Gaga makes her daughters’ friends feel special!!!

  5. Having worked at a grocery store for about eight years I think I love Gaga for throwing a shower for a check out clerk at the grocery store.

  6. My favorite: Gaga knows why the plumber’s niece got a divorce!

  7. Amy, you know I don’t cry. Very often. A few more from a non-Sealove/Silverman perspective:

    Gaga gives the best hugs.
    Gaga is an excellent teacher.
    Gaga looks you in the eye and knows what you know without saying anything sometimes.
    Gaga will show up at the hospital with a Lego castle for your sick kid.
    Gaga invites people to their first Hanukkah (I know where Santa learned not to discriminate).

  8. sigh. That brightened my day.

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