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“Books,” she said. “I love the smell of books.”

posted Wednesday February 23rd, 2011

Today Annabelle asked me, “What is your favorite smell?”

I gave the standard-issue mom reply: “The smell of you and Sophie.”

Then I asked her.

“Books,” she said. “I love the smell of books.”

This also led to a discussion about the fact that, in her mind, fourth grade has a smell (it smells like “learning”) and third grade had a smell and kindergarten had a smell, but first and second didn’t. This sort of blew my mind. I’ll have to think about it some more.

But when I noticed tonight that my favorite bookstore posted a link to this super stop-gap video about rearranged books, I had to bring the whole thing full circle and share.

Borders filed for bankruptcy this week and announced it’s closing a lot of stores (including all its stores anywhere close to me) and every day, someone else I know falls prey to the Kindle or the Nook, but books will still be around for a good, long time — if Annabelle has anything to say about it.

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Tags: Filed under: culture by Amysilverman

3 Responses to ““Books,” she said. “I love the smell of books.””

  1. oh yes, the musty smell of books…one of the best!

    Does Kindergarten smell like glue I wonder, or maybe the scent of a new box of crayolas?

  2. Not that I would EVER tell you how to feel but, “the smell of books?”
    Amy, this should go down as one of your proudest parenting moments. That love of books didn’t come from thin air.
    OMG Annabelle, I swoon!

    Just can’t wrap my brain around Kindle or Nook. Of course, I am also the weirdo who still goes to the library! (Long live libraries!).

  3. I love the smell of books, too. And newspapers. I don’t ever want to be relegated to a Kindle or iPad for my reading pleasures!

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