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Love Song for My Kids

posted Friday July 2nd, 2010

As I’ve already mentioned once or twice, we went to a wedding last weekend. It was truly lovely, but I did walk away missing one thing: a first dance.

The wedding was non-traditional on purpose — no tiered cake, no guest book, no rehearsal dinner (though frankly a rehearsal would have been helpful). The groom wore Converse. It all worked, but I would have loved a first dance.

Here’s the thing. I’m not sure what Adam and Vanessa’s song is, and you’ve gotta have a song.

Ray and I chose “Here, There and Everywhere” by the Beatles long before we even talked marriage. I’d never heard the somewhat-obscure tune. Ray was flipping through his guitar music, playing Beatles songs (the one group we’ve ever been able to agree on, aside from one XTC album and a brief Eminem phase I’m not proud of) and landed on that one.

“It’s our song!” he announced.

I melted.

So when Adam gets back from his honeymoon, I’m going to have to ask him about his song.

I got to thinking about the song thing this morning when I was driving Annabelle to camp. We were listening to her birthday mix. I need to post the play list — I’ve procrastinated on that. It’s kind of embarrassing, frankly, mainly because the kid actually had the nerve to choose most of the songs herself. (I’d insert a smiley face here but try to avoid emoticons on the blog.)

There are some good ones on there, though, including Steve Wonder’s “For Once in My Life.”

(They play it at the end of Shrek 4. Annabelle, like her mother, tends to find her faves on soundtracks. Cheaters, I know.)

Now THAT is my Kid Song. If there’s going to be a First Dance Song, I decided as I wiped a few tears away, there’s got to be a Kid Song. Maybe more than one. But this is my first official one. It’s meant for lovers, yeah, but it made me explode with love for my kids, which is what A Song is supposed to do. Try it. I bet it works for you, too.

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6 Responses to “Love Song for My Kids”

  1. Mine and Shana’s song is I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack – makes me cry every single time…

    And this is for Annabelle :) :) :) :)

  2. Aaron & I don’t have a song…we’re lame like that. The only music we agree on is U2…

    However, my kids LOVE Annabells’ birthday CD, I kept meaning to thank you for it! Who is it that sings the Robin & Cat songs…my daughter keeps trying to get the cat words right!

  3. heather, i’ll send you sophie’s, too. and i’ll post the playlist for annabelle’s. i can’t recall the names of the musicians but the cat guy has an even funnier one we just heard, in which he incorporates a lot more animals. too cute.

  4. We didn’t have a first dance….but we had a song we walked up the aisle to: In My Life by the Beatles and walked down the aisle to: Love Me Tender by Elvis (although both were sung folk song style by my Aunt Juanita).

    My hubby has kids songs. My Girl (Temptations) for Sophie and Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison) for Abby (that was “our” song for awhile before he realized my eyes were HAZEL!). And his song for Brennan…well, it’s the Israel National Anthem (long story).
    My song for all of them (I just decided this) is Clean Up (Barney).

  5. I wanted “for once” to be my first dance song (we chose “silver & gold” by the stones instead). I have to agree — makes a much better kids song.

    we’re partial to “daughter” by loudon wainwright III (played at the end of “knocked up.”) all our kitchen dance parties begin with this song. I think you’d appreciate it too:

  6. oh, i vaguely remember crying my eyes out at that knocked up song. i need to download it. thanks, bridget!

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