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Kindergarten Rocks, Leo!

posted Tuesday September 8th, 2009

kindergarten rocks

The past few weeks, I’ve been doing some organizing. I know I always say that, but this time I’ve been digging a little deeper, opening Rubbermaids I’d ignored for a while. Ditto for the scary piles that migrate to corners of my house.

It hasn’t been all bad. In fact, I’ve coined a new expression — “shopping in my house.”

I have found some great stuff, and since my memory keeps getting shorter, much of it has come as a surprise. Like the never-opened package of smelly markers (you know the ones – the pink smells like strawberry, the black like licorice; I think I hid it because I was worried it wasn’t safe when the kids were super-young, despite the non-toxic label) or the bags of sequins, individual containers of finger paint, kid scissors still in the package (several of those) — I could outfit a classroom. (And have, Sophie’s Miss Y was the beneficiary of a large bag of art supplies, with more on the way.)

But I was a little bummed to discover two tee shirts, ordered from about a year ago — now obsolete, and more than a little crumpled – with rainbow rhinestones spelling “Kindergarten Rocks!” and “Second Grade Rocks!”. I think I put them in a safe place, waiting for just the right day to send the girls to school wearing them. Whoops.

True, the latter will be good for Sophie when she matriculates. But kindergarten’s over for good in our house — a fact that still makes me sad, a month into first grade. First grade rocks, too, don’t get me wrong. Still, I’m nostalgic.

And annoyed with myself. I fear TLC is going to come knocking for an episode of “It’s True, I’m a Hoarder” or whatever they call it. So I’m doing my best to clear stuff out, or at least put it in a Rubbermaid with a label.

That won’t work for those shirts, I’m not that crazy. In fact, I have just the right kindergartener in mind for the tee shirt, but he’s a boy, and way too big for a 4T. Leo starts kindergarten this week, which you already know if you follow his mom Maya’s blog. Maya’s got all the same fears that I had a year ago, when Sophie started kindergarten — I feel for her. There’s no way to get past the fear without plowing right through it. Cute accessories can help, though. Which is why I’m sending you the sentiment in spirit, Maya. I can’t wait to follow Leo — and you — this year.

What I really wish is that they made rainbow-rhinestoned “Kindergarten Rocks!” tee shirts in adult sizes.  We’re the ones who can use the reminder.

In any case, if you know a teeny tiny kindergarten girl who would look good in never-worn rhinestones, let me know. I’m sure we could shake out the crumples.

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Tags: Filed under: arts and crafts, first grade by Amysilverman

2 Responses to “Kindergarten Rocks, Leo!”

  1. Awww…Amy…I’m tearing up! So very sweet.
    Yea, I’m a mess. Can’t sleep. Can’t focus now that I’m back at work. It was so easy (relatively speaking) to stay in our little safe at-home cocoon this past long weekend. And throw in a new daycare for the little one? Sheesh. Stick a fork in me.
    You are right, Leo is too big for a 4T, but he would ROCK the sequins!
    Thank you so much for your support!

  2. Are you sure you’re not spying on me? Our lives are so similar. I have the following quote from A.A. Milne hanging in my office. “One of the advantages of being dirorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.”

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