posted Wednesday February 12th, 2014
By the time you get to my age, you have some hard and fast rules. I will not go up in a hot air balloon or ride in a helicopter or bungee jump. I will never climb on the back of a horse. You’re not going to find me swimming in the ocean or any […]
posted Thursday December 19th, 2013
Fifth grade isn’t quite coming to a close, but I did get melancholy last night, realizing I was wrapping teacher (and principal/therapist/aide/former teacher/office staff) gifts for this school for the last time. It’s been a nice run, all things considered. Sophie has grown up at this sweet, little neighborhood public elementary school, and so have […]
posted Sunday May 13th, 2012
I cannot say I know her well — we’ve met in person a handful of times, at the most, and Facebook really doesn’t count, right? But I’ve long admired Jenny Ignaszewki vis a vis her paintings: large, primitive cityscapes and birds (long before Portlandia), marked by bright colors and oversized heads, an in-your-face celebration of […]
posted Wednesday February 15th, 2012
Source: via Amy on Pinterest
posted Thursday February 2nd, 2012
Field Notes: Red Blooded from Coudal Partners on Vimeo. This is an ad for notebooks, yes, but someone inadvertently nailed it — except for the part about the scooters, every detail fits Ray and me. Even the number of years they’ve been together and the number they’ve been married. I wonder if he’ll mind […]
posted Thursday February 2nd, 2012
Just finished this year’s Valentine, and I had to share early. Annabelle drew the image of the two girls (this is the third year) and I stitched it. (Our friend Claire designed the card.) Next year we will get Sophie in on the action. It’s a nice tradition, I think.
posted Wednesday January 18th, 2012
“I know what I want for Valentine’s Day!” I announced at dinner the other night. “A raised garden bed.” “No way,” Ray said. “You’ll never use it.” The man has a point. I’ve killed every green thing in my path for years, and really, until I have time to even go to the farmers’ market, […]
posted Thursday October 27th, 2011
I stopped at Safeway on the way to work this morning for a bag of rice — the universal sign for “Why yes, I dropped my phone in water.” It was a quick dip, so I’m hopeful. Also, to be honest, a little grateful. It’s been a peaceful morning. Maybe we should all give peace a […]
posted Thursday October 6th, 2011
Look what Sophie did — all by herself. OK, she did have some guidance from her amazing physical therapist, but really, I’m told, she did all the stitching on her own. “M” for Mommy. (Sorry — Hipstamatic washed out the purple M a bit.) She also did an “S” for Sophie and has plans for “A” (Annabelle) […]
posted Wednesday April 13th, 2011
In honor of the approaching heat, Annabelle got out the duct tape and made shoes for herself and Sophie. She says dresses are next.