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Party Hat

Sophie’s Junior Achievements

posted Wednesday April 29th, 2009

This morning, as with many mornings since we ushered in era of the Big Girl Bed, I had some time to lounge in bed and think. I had to stay perfectly still. Sophie comes to our room at dawn (literally) and while Ray can roll noisily out of bed and start his day, for some reason […]

Party Hat

Nit Twits

posted Wednesday April 29th, 2009

Okay, I have to say that it’s been one day, and I don’t yet understand Twitter. After much agonizing, I finally signed up and “followed” several people from my yahoo address book, and — well, not much happened. I have hundreds of friends on Facebook (not that I actually HAVE hundeds of friends, I haven’t even […]

Party Hat

A Polaroid Snapshot of My Kid with Down syndrome

posted Tuesday April 28th, 2009

Some days, with both my girls, it feels like I’m watching Polaroid film develop before my eyes. (I’ve used this analogy before with downtown Phoenix, but I think it applies even better here, so I’ll recycle. Hey, I’m green!) It’s amazing to see bits and pieces come into focus. Annabelle’s image is clearer, I’ll admit […]

Party Hat

The Summer of Champagne

posted Tuesday April 28th, 2009

There was the Summer of Margaritas and the Summer I Swore Not to Complain about the Heat. Summers spent in other cities. Summers spent in the pool with Sun In, baby oil and tinfoil. (Those summers were in high school. OK, maybe a couple in college, too.) There was the Summer I Stood Pregnant in […]

Party Hat

Baseballs and Snapshots

posted Sunday April 26th, 2009

Friday night was star-kissed, and not in the tuna kind of way. We were invited to a Diamondbacks game with the staff of Sophie’s pre-school. Sophie was thrilled. She melted into Ms. Janice, her pre-school teacher, and while none of us paid much attention to the baseball game, we all enjoyed an unseasonably cool night, […]

Party Hat

Sophie's First Punctuation!

posted Saturday April 25th, 2009

We  had a milestone yesterday. Sophie punctuated for the first time. I’m so proud. I’m a big fan of punctuation (part of the whole Nerd Alert thing). I spend my days changing commas to dashes, debating the overuse of the parenthetical reference (I’m a big offender myself), putting writers on semi-colon diets and yelling at […]

Party Hat

Gold Stars for Rushed IEPs

posted Wednesday April 22nd, 2009

I really don’t have anything against Sophie’s speech therapist at school (except her not-super grammar). She’s the one who went to bat for the kids when the topic of the 90 to 1 kindergartener-to-adult ratio at lunch recess came up, and I know she loves Sophie. But when I emailed her this morning to see […]

Party Hat

Softing Rosy

posted Wednesday April 22nd, 2009

  “Take my picture!” Sophie demanded first thing this morning. I really mean first thing. It was 6. Between the big girl bed and summer’s approach, there will be no more sleeping in — not for a while, at least. Sophie was sitting on the floor next to Rosy, thumb in her mouth, rubbing the dog’s fur. […]

Party Hat

Sophie's IEP

posted Tuesday April 21st, 2009

Sophie’s annual IEP meeting was this morning. For once, I was at school early, which wasn’t hard, since Ray had to get the girls to school. I even made it to Starbucks first, and chuckled to myself that really, all we needed to write in Sophie’s IEP plan was that school should prepare her to someday […]

Party Hat

Craft Porn:

posted Tuesday April 21st, 2009

In case you didn’t waste enough time on Facebook today, check out this craft porn graciously shared by Georganne at Frances: (I tried to buy the URL the other day — hey, why not, it can gather dust with — but someone already nabbed it and parked at as a wordpress blog. […]

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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