posted Monday April 4th, 2011
Don’t see the movie Hop. That may be the single most valuable thing I’ve said in nearly three years of blogging. A terrible excuse for a movie. For a while, today, my sister tried to argue that actually Sex and the City 2 is the worst movie ever made, but I’m not sure. (Hop, by […]
posted Tuesday January 4th, 2011
Mainly because I’m a chickenshit who won’t go on anything that moves faster than a carousel, Disneyland split-ups tend to fall along the lines of Amy/Sophie and Ray/Annabelle. Really, I’m insufferable, even at the happiest place on earth. I’m not crazy about Pinocchio’s daring adventure, and I get scared on the Peter Pan ride. (For […]
posted Monday October 25th, 2010
Work anywhere for almost 18 years and — for better or worse — your co-workers start to feel like family. (And I’m not just talking about my husband, though I am lucky enough to work with him, too.) Our particularly motley crew gussied up and traipsed out to the far west corner of metropolitan Phoenix […]
posted Thursday May 20th, 2010
Vision therapy. Now, that’s something I think all new parents — particularly parents of kids with Down syndrome — could use. A little coaching through the process of envisioning the future, jumping ahead, fretting over something that might (or might not) happen years or decades from now. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. […]
posted Tuesday May 18th, 2010
The annual ballet recital was Sunday. The girls were cool as cucumbers — see the photos above and below (taken just moments before the performance) for proof. But I was a wreck. I knew it didn’t matter a bit, what happened on stage. This particular studio rents the fanciest space in town for its recital, […]
posted Monday April 19th, 2010
When I was almost 7, I had all sorts of ideas as to what I wanted to be when I grew up. Most of the time I wanted to be a poet. I was reminded of that ridiculous notion for the gazillionth time this morning as I listened to some particularly fantastic poetry on “Morning Edition” […]