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Party Hat

That’s My Daughter in the Water

posted Thursday July 7th, 2011

I wish you could see Sophie swim. Truth is, you might be terrified — she pretty much always looks like she’s about to drown. But she’s not! In this dusty, overheated hell hole we call home, you have no choice. You must swim. And now Sophie can. At least, she’s well on her way. Yesterday, […]

Party Hat

Fear Factor

posted Thursday June 9th, 2011

The girls and I were watching Fear Factor (Ray’s idea — anything to keep the Disney channel at bay) tonight when I interrupted some disgusting act or another with a request: “Annabelle, you need to practice piano tonight.” She fired back immediately: “What about Sophie?” “Sophie, you need to practice, too,” I said, not really […]

Party Hat

“I look like an ugly princess,” Sophie said.

posted Monday May 16th, 2011

It wasn’t til I had the curling iron in my hand yesterday morning that I realized I’d never tried to curl Sophie’s hair before. It’s not about Sophie — there’s not a lot of time for any sort of hair primping in our house. With only minutes to spare til we absolutely-positively-had-to-leave-the-house-or-we’d-be-inexcusably-late, I unearthed the curling iron […]

Party Hat


posted Tuesday February 22nd, 2011

It was one of those what-have-you-done-with-my-sister moments. “I’ve started calling this weekend ‘Jennypalooza,’” I told Jenny, as the umpteenth preparations were made and remade and finessed a little more, in honor of her Birthday Weekend. “Good!” she replied. GOOD?! Jenny, the little sister who shirks from attention? Who was too embarrassed to take the flowers […]

Party Hat

Worry Some

posted Tuesday January 4th, 2011

Mainly because I’m a chickenshit who won’t go on anything that moves faster than a carousel, Disneyland split-ups tend to fall along the lines of Amy/Sophie and Ray/Annabelle. Really, I’m insufferable, even at the happiest place on earth. I’m not crazy about Pinocchio’s daring adventure, and I get scared on the Peter Pan ride. (For […]

Party Hat

Love, American (Girl) Style

posted Monday November 29th, 2010

In honor of the season, a holiday shopping post. I can’t think of a time my sister and I have disagreed on anything parenting-related. Not to one another’s faces, anyway. But this American Girl thing is tough. It started with Hanukkah. Jenny wanted to know what she could buy the girls. Well, I told her, […]

Party Hat

Sophie Day

posted Monday October 11th, 2010

Annabelle and I are hitting the road. This week is our Fall Break and on Thursday, Annabelle and I leave for a four-day trip to Portland. Alone. Annabelle and Ray have been away alone together several times — on a Brownie camping trip, and skiing at least once or twice. So I decided it was […]

Party Hat

On the Catwalk

posted Monday September 27th, 2010

“When I’m on Project Runway, I’ll be able to tell them that my first fashion show was when I was 9,” Annabelle announced the other day. Ah, youth. Although I’m not sure I was that confident at any age. For Annabelle it’s not “if,” it’s “when.” And I hope it always stays that way. If […]

Party Hat

A friend forwarded me the link to this piece today. “I’m sure you’ve already read this,” he wrote. “But just in case.” I hadn’t. Am I glad he sent it? I don’t know. It kind of pissed me off, to tell you the truth. And the more I think about it, the madder I get. […]

Party Hat

Tooth Scary

posted Tuesday August 31st, 2010

Just yesterday I was pondering cognitive tests. Last night, I got all the proof I need that Sophie’s one smart cookie. She’s had several wiggly teeth for weeks now, but there had been little action til Sunday night, when I accidentally (I swear! I felt terrible!) wiggled one a little too hard and moved it into […]

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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