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Party Hat

The Sparkly Variety

posted Tuesday March 29th, 2011

Ah, the precarious nature of being 9 and a half. Or rather, of being the mother of a 9 and a half year old. Over the weekend, the mother of one of Annabelle’s friends texted me that her daughter needed to speak to mine — and it was important. So we called, got the voicemail. […]

Party Hat

Worry Some

posted Tuesday January 4th, 2011

Mainly because I’m a chickenshit who won’t go on anything that moves faster than a carousel, Disneyland split-ups tend to fall along the lines of Amy/Sophie and Ray/Annabelle. Really, I’m insufferable, even at the happiest place on earth. I’m not crazy about Pinocchio’s daring adventure, and I get scared on the Peter Pan ride. (For […]

Party Hat

Sophie Day

posted Monday October 11th, 2010

Annabelle and I are hitting the road. This week is our Fall Break and on Thursday, Annabelle and I leave for a four-day trip to Portland. Alone. Annabelle and Ray have been away alone together several times — on a Brownie camping trip, and skiing at least once or twice. So I decided it was […]

Party Hat

A friend forwarded me the link to this piece today. “I’m sure you’ve already read this,” he wrote. “But just in case.” I hadn’t. Am I glad he sent it? I don’t know. It kind of pissed me off, to tell you the truth. And the more I think about it, the madder I get. […]

Party Hat

Yesterday I shared Trish’s gorgeous piece about her daughter Abbie. Now, reading that, you might wonder what Abbie thought when she saw it. In fact, she sat in a crowded auditorium and cried as her mom read it aloud, through her own tears. (Trish did share it with her before the reading — Abbie cried then, […]

Party Hat

Long before either of us had kids, I was in awe of my friend Tricia Wasbotten Parker. But I’ll admit that it’s her mothering skills I’ve really studied and envied and tried to emulate over the years — skills matched by her talent as a writer. Trish read the following piece at our annual Mothers Who […]

Party Hat

Should We Be Writing About Our Kids? Part One

posted Wednesday July 21st, 2010

Both my girls are getting more interested in what I’m doing on the computer. Well, Sophie just wants me off, so she can get on and watch Amy Sedaris’ Tooth Fairy appearance on Yo Gabba Gabba (which is so disturbing I will not embed the video EVEN THOUGH I CAN). But Annabelle has asked me […]

Party Hat

What 7 Looks Like

posted Friday May 21st, 2010

Check out my grown up girl! “Let me take a picture to show everyone what a 7 year old looks like,” I said this morning, as we scurried to the car. I don’t recall ever seeing this expression — not for a photo, anyway. What happened to the 6 year old with the ear-to-ear grin? […]

Party Hat

Someone once told me that you’re not supposed to praise your kid too much. I’m sure there’s some sort of psychology behind it, but I don’t buy it. I don’t think you can praise your kid enough. Not if you mean it, anyway. And if I’m wrong, and it screws them up, I’ll happily pay […]

Party Hat

Tattoo This on Your Heart

posted Monday January 25th, 2010

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that fact that my dear friend Trish took her 16-year-old son Zach to Tucson to get a tattoo. She has written an absolutely stunning piece about it for New Times. Read it. You’ll be glad you did.

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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