posted Thursday February 2nd, 2012
Field Notes: Red Blooded from Coudal Partners on Vimeo. This is an ad for notebooks, yes, but someone inadvertently nailed it — except for the part about the scooters, every detail fits Ray and me. Even the number of years they’ve been together and the number they’ve been married. I wonder if he’ll mind […]
posted Friday January 13th, 2012
Annabelle’s making friends at school. She’s taken her time, she’s so wise. Or shy. Whatever. In any case, I hadn’t thought about what it would be like for her to introduce her new friends to Sophie til she got in the car this afternoon and announced that a friend had asked Annabelle why she’s so […]
posted Sunday January 8th, 2012
A few weeks ago, I had lunch with a good friend who happens to have a special needs child — make that special needs adult, this kid is about to graduate from high school. Suffice to say, my friend knows her way around the block. “You’re getting the pass for Sophie, right?” she asked when […]
posted Friday December 23rd, 2011
I’m dashing off to Target this morning. Last minute Santa shopping. And the fourth night of Hanukkah. Being a non-observant Jew married to a fallen Catholic is exhausting. And expensive. That’s not to say we’re ignoring the real reason for the season — we’ve had great times with family and friends and it’s not even […]
posted Thursday December 8th, 2011
We have a new babysitter starting tonight, and she’s Jewish. Not Jewish like me, but Jewish like I suspect she actually goes to synagogue. So I’m feeling a little self conscious about the giant Christmas tree in our living room. In our nearly 14 years of marriage, Ray and I have often had trees, but […]
posted Monday December 5th, 2011
I heard a small voice behind me. “Where’s Sophie?” I’d been wondering if anyone would ask. It was almost halfway through the Saturday night performance of the Snow Queen, and the sprites — already covered in green glitter, hair teased in ponytails all over their little heads – were putting on their unitards and wings, getting ready for their […]
posted Thursday December 1st, 2011
I cracked up when I saw the press release for “A Very Gaga Thanksgiving” — which I didn’t catch on TV over the holiday weekend, mainly because we were busy being entertained by our own GAGA, my mother. (Plus, I can’t tell you the name of a Lady Gaga song.) This drawing of her grandchildren — […]
posted Thursday November 17th, 2011
I took Sophie to the mall the other night. To be honest, I really didn’t want to. It wasn’t a particularly entertaining errand — one of the nose pieces on her glasses snapped in half and cut her nose before we realized what was going on — and I figured it wouldn’t be much fun […]
posted Monday November 14th, 2011
The other day Ray came home from Walgreen’s all excited. With a remote control helicopter. “For indoor use!” he told me. “Great,” I thought. “Something’s gonna get broken, for sure.” For once, I kept my mouth shut and smiled. So far, we’ve all survived, except for the first helicopter. Ray’s already been back for another, […]