A Very Gaga Thanksgiving
posted Thursday December 1st, 2011
I cracked up when I saw the press release for “A Very Gaga Thanksgiving” — which I didn’t catch on TV over the holiday weekend, mainly because we were busy being entertained by our own GAGA, my mother. (Plus, I can’t tell you the name of a Lady Gaga song.)
This drawing of her grandchildren — which accompanied a Thanksgiving story and decorated each plate at our Thanksgiving table — pretty much says it all. (My nephew Benjamin stars as the king; story was written by his sister Kate.)
Very Gaga, in all the right ways.
Thanksgiving was so uneventful this year that it’s taken me a week to even mention it. Best part of the day: The younger generations gathered at my house, per tradition, to give my mother some alone time to get ready. I made several side dishes and a couple pies to bring to Gaga’s (with varying results, and that’s being kind) and after I’d filled the kitchen with dirty dishes, my sister shooed me off on a walk by myself and managed to watch all five of our kids and load the dishwasher.
I was very thankful.
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