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Party Hat

“I really hope you find this funny….I did.”

posted Monday April 29th, 2013

Yesterday I unfriended some guy I’ve never met for posting this status update: “I have to poo.” Really? Congrats. And goodbye. I took way too much pleasure in the act of deleting him and wondered, for the millionth time, why I (and almost everyone else I know) am glued to Facebook. Then I remembered a […]

Party Hat

Fifth Place Winner

posted Friday April 26th, 2013

When Sophie was 4, there was some question as to whether she actually qualified as mentally retarded (the official term they used then — and still do, to a large part). I really liked the idea of having a kid with Down syndrome who wasn’t retarded, even though all the medical literature tells you the […]

Party Hat

Hey, American Girl: Make a Doll with Down syndrome

posted Wednesday April 10th, 2013

Dear Ms. Silverman, Thank you for writing to share your request. We certainly understand your desire for a My American Girl® doll with Down’s Syndrome. Over the years, we have received many requests for characters facing various medical conditions or physical challenges. We realize that girls want a character to which they can relate. All […]

Party Hat

Wrinkles in Time

posted Tuesday April 2nd, 2013

The other evening, at bedtime, I was reading Sophie a book called Moo, Baa, La La La, and my eyes landed on a book I had put on her shelf before she was born, the young adult classic A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. I was suddenly sad, thinking that Sophie probably will never […]

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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