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Do We All Look the Same to Them?

posted Wednesday May 4th, 2011

There are two kids at Sophie’s school with Down syndrome.

Sophie. And another little girl, who happens to be in Sophie’s class. Let’s call her Amelia.

Sophie and Amelia look nothing alike. And yet, of course, they do. Even before Sophie chose wire-rimmed glasses that look a lot like Amelia’s, the similarities were striking, and not just because both girls have straight brown hair. The eyes, the nose, the tongues that slip out — almost 8 years later it still strikes me as incredibly bizarre that a chromosomal abnormality makes people look alike.

Tonight Annabelle, Sophie and I all had our bare feet propped on the coffee table and I was noticing how much different Sophie’s toes look from Annabelle’s and mine. It’s true. It just is.

And yet, Sophie and Amelia look nothing alike. Amelia is tall, she has a different gait and sweet round cheeks. She’s the sar of the monkey bars 365 days a year, while Sophie refuses recess when the temperature’s above 85. (Now, THAT she gets from me.)

You might expect that the two are best friends. Not so much. They hang out — sometimes. Sometimes not. Two completely distinct little girls.

The other day at Brownies, Amelia’s mom told me about an encounter Amelia had on the playground with a school staff member. The staff member — who has been around both girls plenty — kept referring to Amelia as Sophie.

Not cool, the mom and I agreed. Not cool at all. But not entirely surprising, to be honest.

The next day, at ballet, one of my best mom friends and I were chatting about the week’s events, and told her the story. She smiled.

Turns out, Amelia often greets my friend’s daughter, Lily, as Annabelle. Lily and Annabelle look about as alike as — Sophie and Amelia.

“Hey,” I said to Amelia’s mom today, when I told her that story, “maybe we all look the same to them!”

And we cracked up.

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Tags: Filed under: Down syndrome by Amysilverman

5 Responses to “Do We All Look the Same to Them?”

  1. Love this- funny. My daughter is the monkeybar queen in this neighborhood! Altho her toes look uncannily like- mine! Kayli has some difficulty with face recog – often making approximations and calling people names of folks that look alot like the real person. hmmmmm…. you might be on to something!

  2. Great post. So interesting. It’s funny you brought up the toes–I am assuming you’re talking about the gap between the front two toes. Johanna has it, and my husband has it too–I remember when the geneticist at Columbia was pointing it out as a clinical feature of DS my husband kicked off his shoes and showed her his. Teddy also has the gap. I am curious as to if baby number three will have it as well!

    Johanna has two other children in her preschool class with Down Syndrome. One is a boy, and the other is a girl, Grace. Grace and Johanna look nothing alike. So far no one has mixed them up!

  3. That is really hilarious. I love it.

  4. S: ha! no, it’s that her toes are really, really long.

  5. H: oh my gosh, i think i missed some big news! congrats!!!!!!!!

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