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The First Day of Sophie’s New IEP

posted Monday April 11th, 2011

Email written this evening, names deleted:

hey TEACHER and SPECIAL ED TEACHER — i have to admit i’m concerned and disappointed because sophie came home today without her red folder.

that means she didn’t have her homework. she also did not have the weekly notes from you, SPECIAL ED TEACHER, that you sent home one week and promised to send home every monday.

i realize now that we might not have incorporated that (the weekly notes) into the IEP, and i’m sorry we didn’t do that. i am also hoping that you will send me a final copy of the IEP when it’s finished. if it’s not too late, could we please incorporate the weekly update?

i am particularly concerned that the red folder did not come home because a. that is a recurring problem and b. today was supposed to be the day that sophie’s classroom aide began, per her IEP. i did not receive word that it did or didn’t happen — only an empty backpack.

i am also not certain as to whom i should be addressing concerns like these. THE PRINCIPAL? that seems a little extreme, frankly. but in any case, i’ll wait to hear back from one of you with instructions about how to proceed.



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Tags: Filed under: Down syndrome, public school by Amysilverman

One Response to “The First Day of Sophie’s New IEP”

  1. not nice, this cliffhanger action….

    hope everything worked out for the best.

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