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The Color Purple

posted Wednesday April 28th, 2010


Before the chasing around last Sunday at Target, even before the lemonade and pretzel and the blushing over the iced mocha, Sophie and I stood in line at the snack counter – and I took a moment to reconsider the color purple.

The clerk handed me Sophie’s little cup, and offered a big container of silly straws for her to choose from. When she grabbed for a purple one, the clerk said, “Oh, of course! To match your dress.”

Of course. Purple is Sophie’s favorite color. And here comes something I’ve never really told anyone: I feel guilty about it.

Purple is a goofy, undignified, ridiculous color. It makes me think of those ladies in the purple hats — ladies of a certain age, an age I’m fast approaching — who look like idiots, running around town, eating lunch. (Or wait? Do they wear red hats? Anyhow, you get the point.) Purple is the color of the clearance rack, after you’ve picked all the good stuff out. It’s never hip. It’s very — well, it’s very obvious, that’s the best way I can put it.

If Sophie had chosen purple as her favorite color all on her own, it would be a different story. But it’s all my fault, this purple thing.

I feel terrible about it. I firmly believe that as a parent of a kid with special needs, I have an added responsibility to help Sophie present herself to the world in the best possible light. That means no overalls, for reasons I’ve explained earlier. And, as Sophie reached for that purple straw, I thought, damnit, it really should mean no purple.

Too late.

When I was pregnant with Annabelle and learned she was a girl (as early as possible, though I was always a big proponent of the surprise factor — til the ultrasound tech asked I wanted to know, at which point I practically fell off the table I was so excited) I chose as much pink as possible for her room.

That was a no-brainer. She was a girl, and pink (certain shades, anyway, like watermelon and magenta) is my favorite color. I’ve always sort of wished I had a different favorite color — like blue or green, something unusual, and now I’m super-jealous of anyone whose color has always been orange, since for a while it was so unpopular — but pink it is. You can’t fake your favorite color.

And so pink it was, for Annabelle.

Then I got pregnant with Sophie, and learned she was a girl, too. That choice was harder, but ultimately I went with the obvious: purple. Everyone who has a second girl, it seems, goes with purple.

I was nervous, even then. I controlled the purple thing very carefully when it came to Sophie’s nursery, adding shades of yellow, blue and green — no pink. I am very much against combining pink and purple. That’s a deal-killer for me. (You don’t want to hear me on the phone with a florist, ordering flowers, trust me.)

I was happy with the nursery, but it never occurred to me that when I painted those walls that very specific shade of lavender and chose the accessories just so, that I was also choosing Sophie’s favorite color.

Annabelle likes pink a lot, but her favorites vary. At the moment she’s all about green. But Sophie, she’s a purple girl all the way. Purple Cros, purple toothbrush, she even wants a purple DSi for her birthday. It’s her signature color, I joke, cringing inside.

And I have no one to blame but myself.

You might rightly ask yourself, after reading this post, who the fuck cares?

Really, doesn’t the world have bigger problems — don’t I have bigger problems?

Like a kid with a big bump on her chest from where the doctors knit her bones back together (twice) after sawing them open to fix her heart, a bump that reminds me every day that Sophie may not have seen her final open-heart surgery.

Or a community ripping itself apart over this ugly, ugly immigration debate.

Exactly, I say. Wouldn’t you rather contemplate the color purple?

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10 Responses to “The Color Purple”

  1. laughed out loud, thanks amy.

  2. OMG, too funny! Madeline and Sophie MUST have a play date – Madeline also is a fan of Purple… for the same reason that I, too, did Pink with Girl #1.
    Today Madeline is toting around a purple aug comm device even – it’s obvously “that” bad! ;)
    Hope all is well – hug your PURPLE GIRL for me! :)

  3. My Sophie owns that same dress. And I wish she liked purple more than she does. Purple is spunky, the color of queens and strong independent people: Alice Walker’s characters, Prince, my godmother (who wore red and purple together, regally, fabulously).

    I think the problem is with getting into any color rut. I decorated my Sophie’s nursery in green & white & some other colors (I’m not too color-coordinated a gal), but sometimes she will go weeks in a row wearing nothing but pink.

  4. Thanks for the reminder that meaning and art is in the creation and not everything has to be substantive. It reminds me why I love certain lyrics like Jim Morrison’s ‘Poor Otis dead and gone. Left me here to sing his song. Pretty Little Girl with the Red Dress on. Poor Otis Dead and Gone.’

  5. Purple is regal!

  6. Right on Heather – even in ancient times, purple was the color of royalty. Who knows, maybe Sophie would have chosen purple on her own? It’s a great color.

  7. When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
    And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter.

    I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired
    And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
    And run my stick along the public railings
    And make up for the sobriety of my youth.

    I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
    And pick the flowers in other peoples’ gardens
    And learn to spit.

    You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
    And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
    Or only bread and pickles for a week
    And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

    But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
    And pay our rent and not swear in the street
    And set a good example for the children.
    We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

    But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
    So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
    When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

    by Jenny Joseph

  8. I love purple too- shows depth of character and individuality! As for the bump- we have one too, call it the love bump and I want you to know that it is almost flat now that she is ten. (Praying that s. doesn’t have to endure it again!)
    PS- we also got a DS lite and she has a great time with the Cooking Mama program.

  9. This was a delightful column, but I am afraid I found it typical of the overthinking we do as Down Syndrome parents. My grandaughter’s favorite color is purple and I never thought negatively about it for a minute. And yet, your fears make complete sense to me.
    Freud was correct. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. That’s a hard thing for Down parents to remember. Thanks for making me contemplate that strange paranoia!

  10. I love the color purple. And now, I love it even more. Thanks for sharing your insights and gifts with us, and giving us more to ponder!! Happy Mother’s Day!

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