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posted Thursday November 19th, 2009


This morning I was multi-tasking — emptying a case of Diet Coke into the veggie drawer of the fridge (fine, judge me!) and chatting with Sophie.

Luckily I had remembered that her box of items for the Mayflower was due today — 3 to 5 items that one might need on a cross-ocean trip, placed in a shoe box or other small box, the teacher wrote on the flier.

“We need to find a box for you,” I told Sophie.

“How about that one?” she asked, pointing.

I couldn’t think of a good reason not to let her use it. So this morning Sophie went to school with a 12-can Diet Coke box packed with the following:

Two Yo Gabba Gabba bath toys (including one shaped like a boom box); two paint brushes; two snack pack chocolate puddings (one for her and one for her friend Sarah, she said when I tried to limit it to one); some beading wire she snagged from me when I wasn’t looking; Piglet; and her stuffed Foofa doll.

Not bad staples, though I think I’d prefer a 12-pack of Diet Coke.

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Tags: Filed under: holidays by Amysilverman

4 Responses to “Provisions”

  1. C.ute!

  2. I can’t believe you didn’t have a shoebox with all the shoes you have!

  3. My provisions box would have a wine bottle opener, my cell charger, and extra pillows.

  4. Brilliant use of refrigerator trays. I’m going to store my diet Coke same way.

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