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Party Hat

Not to be melodramatic or anything, but today something happened that completely shook my faith in everything I’ve come to believe about Sophie in the last 7 years, 10 months and two days — something that slammed me hard, right back into that bed in that hospital where she was born. Where the doctor told […]

Party Hat

No Day But Today

posted Friday April 9th, 2010

Sophie has a new habit. She likes to ask me what’s next. It’s better than some of her past “tics” — telling strangers “You’re mean!” or screaming “Buy it!” in stores (my dear friend Robrt’s favorite) — but frankly, it’s wearing. Here’s how it goes: “Mommy, what day is it?” Sophie will ask — before […]

Party Hat

Mittens and Gloves

posted Thursday February 4th, 2010

It’s barely February, but talk has already turned to What Fourth Grade Teacher Should I Request for Annabelle and What Will Happen to Sophie in Second Grade? The special ed teacher called yesterday — it’s time to schedule the pre-IEP meeting. Let the games begin. Sophie’s main challenge, as predicted, is writing. I saw it […]

Party Hat

“…and she was playing with everything in her.”

posted Wednesday July 22nd, 2009

Funny, just last night I was singing the the lyric from the Bloodhound Gang song, “The drummer from Def Leppard’s only got one arm!” (we were talking about our first concerts — mine was Rick Springfield) and this came along, in the form of an email this morning from Sophie’s music therapist, who wanted to […]

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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