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Party Hat

“Should Down syndrome be cured?”

posted Wednesday January 20th, 2010

Last week, New York Times blogger Lisa Belkin posed the question, “Should Down syndrome be cured?” I posted a link to her piece, but I didn’t fire off a response. I needed to give the whole thing some thought, I figured. This is fundamental.  The truth is that I will think about this for my […]

Party Hat

A Snowman in July

posted Wednesday July 29th, 2009

Yesterday morning, I saw a snowman. Outside my favorite coffee shop in Tempe, just sitting there on the sidewalk. Melting. It was maybe a little taller than Sophie — nothing fancy, with twig arms, a carrot nose and coal eyes. The temperature was predicted to hit 115 yesterday, but someone woke up and got some ground […]

My Heart Can't Even Believe It: A Story of Science, Love, and Down Syndrome is available from Amazon and 
Changing Hands Bookstore
. For information about readings and other events, click here.


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