“I know what I want for Valentine’s Day!” I announced at dinner the other night. “A raised garden bed.”

“No way,” Ray said. “You’ll never use it.”

The man has a point. I’ve killed every green thing in my path for years, and really, until I have time to even go to the farmers’ market, I have no business pretending I’ll actually plant and maintain a vegetable garden.

Blame my terrarium high. My dear friend Claire and I spent part of the weekend planting succulents in glass jars, then adding tchotchkes (to be honest, that’s the real draw for me, though the succulents were pretty cool) and calling it done. So easy. And so awesome, sitting on my kitchen windowsill. (Here are Claire’s step-by-step instructions.)

“We still have that box of upside-down tomatoes from last year,” Ray observed. Two, actually, but I didn’t say anything. Plus the strawberry plant kit I bought at Lowe’s when I was picking up the succulents the other day.

So maybe I’ll actually plant those strawberries and tomatoes — then I’ll convince him I deserve a real garden. Now to start searching on etsy for some cute lawn ornaments.

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Tags: Filed under: arts and crafts by Amysilverman

2 Responses to “Are Terrariums the Gateway Drug to More Gardening? I Certainly Hope So.”

  1. I have 4 raised garden beds that I begged Alan to make for me. If I didn’t kill it, I was grossed out by the caterpillars I almost ate on it. So, no gardening for me. Although I keep thinking I’ll try again…

  2. Start with a zucchini plant – the ultimate confidence booster! And a few artichoke plants because they’re almost impossible to kill. Then you can say “look honey! Look what I can do. NOW about that raised garden bed – ” ;)

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