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Yeah, yeah, I know. The Veep debate was THE television event of the week. And I was a good American — I did watch it, through my fingers, wincing, glad I was at a party and had an excuse to gulp vodka to numb the pain. I even fell a little bit in love with Joe Biden, where previously I was just tolerating him.

I was glad we weren’t home, because Ray might have wanted the girls to watch, and I just can’t let them make Sarah Palin any sort of role model. Heck, I’d rather they watch Kenley, the bad whiny girl on Project Runway.


OK, I am a horrible mom. I let Annabelle stay up til 10 on Wednesday, to see the end of Project Runway. Hey, it was down to four designers. It was a big week. Truth be told, if you’d made me pick one, I would have skipped the debate for the runway, no prob.

I love that Annabelle loves Project Runway, and not just because it gives me a reason to watch something other than childrens TV. (I actually don’t mind kiddie shows much; they drive Ray nuts but I think they make nice background noise.) But Annabelle, like (I’m guessing) millions of other little kids (and some big ones — Trish swears that 15 year old Zach is among them) are now planning careers as fashion designers.

And what’s wrong with that? I love that she wants to create. After the show ended Wednesday (I won’t spoil it for you if you haven’t seen this week’s yet) Annabelle announced that she was going to design her own evening dress. It will be sleeveless and orange with a big flower in the middle and it will go down to THERE, she said, pointing past her ankle. She intends to pair it with orange boots, which she also plans to design herself.

“You go girl,” I thought. “And thank goodness you’re gong to Grandma’s on Monday!”

I seriously have trouble sewing on a button, a lack of skill I inherited directly from my mother (GAGA). But my mother in law, now she can sew. She’ll laugh when she reads that, but I am in awe of her abilities — she can even operate a sewing machine. We met up for bagels last weekend (pic to follow) and the girls got silly with her, but I have a feeling that Monday Annabelle will arrive to spend the first day of Fall Break with Grandma, and she’s going to be carrying a bag of materials.

We’re planning a trip to SAS fabrics this weekend. I can’t wait. After the debate last night, no one quite knew what to say: Palin did just well enough to escape the full-on wrath of the crowd, which frankly pissed most of us off. So we talked about other things, like Project Runway. And trips to SAS. One friend with grown kids fondly remembered trips to SAS (it’s a dump of a small warehouse packed with fabric remnants and accoutrements — sequins, feather boas, patches, ribbons, I’m getting excited just writing this) as a young, poor mom. For five bucks, she recalls, you could occupy the kids for days.

Not bad advice in this economy. Google SAS fabric. There are several in the Phoenix area; I’m not sure how far the chain extends.

All I know is that Grandma better have her equipment out on Monday!

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4 Responses to “Mamas, Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Fashion Designers, not VPs”

  1. How old is your daughter? A used sewing machine off ebay (or affordably purchased elsewhere) would be an AMAZING gift for her! The first time I machine sewed, I was 11 (although it was more than a decade later before I had a machine of my own) and started just by stitching straight seams on brown paper towels, and then cheap scraps of fabric, and then the good stuff! Little throw pillows or hair scrunchies are quick easy projects to learn skills and build confidence. From there she can start into a whole world of reading patterns and then drafting her own!

  2. great idea! she is only 7, so we might not be quite ready for that. i do remember than when i turned 7, i received a toy sewing machine (along the lines of an easy bake oven) that used glue instead of thread. i loved it. annabelle’s already beyond that!

  3. Annabelle created the little vignette in my windowsill in my office at least a year ago and I told her she had an eye for design back then. I know talent when I see it. And she has more already than that little snot Kenley. :D

  4. I received my sewing machine when I was 5 or 6, when I outgrew or ran out of glue for the sews-with-glue toy. I was big into designing and making outfits for my dolls.

    I still have that machine that my mom bought me at a garage sale. It was old then, and that was, well, a long time ago! It’s now all retro cool – turquoise and 60′s futuristic. I don’t sew a lot, but I’ve made some great things with that sewing machine…including curtains, slip covers and a wedding dress.

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